Top Three Indoor Philly Concert Venues

  1. Trocadero: Unexpectedly located on the cusp of Chinatown, Trocadero (Troc for short) delivers a concert experience unlike anything else. “Why?”, you ask. First, the architecture. Listed on the “U.S. Register of Historic Places”, the Trocadero is the only 19th century Victorian Theater still open in the entire United States. Not only is the building old, but it’s beautiful, Victorian molding and other details can be seen throughout the whole venue. And the Troc also passes the “no bad seat”rule with flying colors– sitting in the balcony or standing down below, your concert experience will both sound and look great. And in case you need a break from the music, you can always escape to one of the venue’s hide-away bars (if you’re 21, that is). I saw Milo Greene (my favorite band) and Stars here and the whole evening was perfect.
  2. Union Transfer– Similar to the Trocadero, this Calowhill venue–Union Transfer– is old and full of history, take for example the beautiful wooden beams you find when you look up. Originally opening its doors in 1889, the building wore many hats until settling as a music venue in 2012.  You will be happy to know that Union Transfer has three bars, providing moderately priced beer and treats. My favorite part about this venue is again– no bad seats. In the balcony or on the floor, your concert will sound great and nothing will obstruct your view, with the exception of a very tall person. I went here to see  Milo Greene & Bombay Bicycle Club, and it will remain as one of my best concert experiences to date. 
  3. Johnny Brenda’s– Milo Greene clearly has good tastes in venues, as they lead me to Fishtown’s Johnny Brenda’s the last time they were in town. Walk through its doors and you will find bar. Walk to the set of stairs, where you pay for your ticket, go up the stairs and you will find the venue. The small size of the venue makes every concert feel intimate. Even on the balcony, you literally feel like you are on top of the band because you basically are; besides being maybe 10 feet higher, the horizontal distance between the stage and the balcony is inches. And the sound, nice and loud- just how I like it.  There’s also inexpensive beer available. Quick Tip– make sure you bring your i.d, this venue is 21 and over.

There you have it, my top three indoor music venues. I promise, I have seen more concerts than just Milo Green, they just so happened to have a great taste in venues. As a disclaimer, Philly has a lot of venues, some of which I have yet to visit, this is just my current top three, who knows– maybe it will change after I go to a few more. 

Note: I have yet to go to the TLA, but plan on doing so this Spring, so look out for a full-length review sometime in May.

What are your favorite indoor Philly venues??


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